Leasing Services

Evolving technologies such as hyperconvergence and virtualization can dramatically change the way your business operates. Unfortunately, current budgets do not always accommodate large upgrades and sometimes technology investments can be obsolete in just a few years. Finding the correct balance between the bottom line and the need for technology is no easy task.

Our leasing services help you acquire the latest hardware and software at scaled down costs while continuing to be flexible as your technology needs grow. Przymus Leasing gives organizations the option to lease almost any IT product, from desktop and networking equipment to software and servers, at terms that work best for you.

Prepared for Advancing Technologies

We offer options to grow technology and upgrade during the lease term. At the end of the lease, you can choose to return or to purchase the equipment with multiple end of term options.

Predictable Monthly Payments

Przymus Leasing allows you to make manageable payments over time vs. large capital investments up front. We can create payment plans that match your budgets and are often tax deductible.

Highly Flexible Payment Plans

With the ability to do 100% financing on hardware, software and services with no money down, payment plans are tailored to match business needs and improve cash flow while offering many options at the term end.


Professional Services

With ever increasing demands on technology departments, meeting and exceeding those expectations can be a challenge even for the most robust of IT departments.

Our professional services teams can help you develop strategic plans that support your organizational goals for today and tomorrow. With long standing industry partnerships, we can help get the latest technologies working for you while identifying opportunities for process improvement and additional cost savings.

Realize Increases in Efficiency

With a full spectrum support offering, we can evaluate, access and design solutions custom fit to your needs. Working in partnership with your current internal tech teams for solution deployment, we help off-load many of the time-consuming tasks while allowing your staff to focus on its mission critical tasks.

Developing Long Term Strategies

Finding the balance of patient, staff, business and technology needs while developing long term tech strategies can be daunting. Being vendor and manufacturer agnostic, we can bring you pre-vetted best of breed technologies to help streamline the review and proof of concept processes. With 15 years of experience in developing strategic technology roadmaps, we work in partnership with your leadership to bring your strategies to fruition.